Gregory Bangura flies to Liberia on Wednesday, 5 August 2009 for two weeks. During his time in Liberia, he will conduct Literacy Awareness Workshops (LAW); he is also expected to speak to church and government leaders on Literacy matters. Liberia is trying to recover from the severe effects of a bloody civil war that lasted for more than 10 years. Gregory strongly feels that the foundational approach to lasting peace and speedy recovery from the war is through Literacy and Evangelism. Praise God, 3 pastors from Liberia participated in the just ended International Literacy Training Institute (ILTI) in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. 2 speak Kpelle and 1 speaks Bassa. So Gregory is exploring the possibilities to have Kpelle and Bassa Primers constructed in a very close future. These primers will help the Kpelle and Bassa to read and write their mother-languages. The entire Bible is been translated into Bassa and the New Testamant in Kpelle. Both Bassa and Kpelle are some of the major Liberian languages. Join Gregory to promote Bible-literacy in Liberia and throughout West Africa. Gregory currently serves as West Africa director.
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